Historical Record of Davis for Congress

This is a historical record of Davis for Congress from Archive.org:

Danny K. Davis for U.S. Congress

A powerful and effective voice for the people . . .

Thanks for your support!

Election day is November 4, 2008. Please take advantage of early voting! Thanks for your overwhelming support on February 5, 2008 – primary day. Your trust and support is deeply appreciated. Please continue your active participation in making our public policy.

Since 1996, as your Representative in Congress, I have hosted over 400 town hall meetings and hundreds of other constituent meetings. I’ve been in the District every week, reporting on the work of Congress and addressing problems.

My office has assisted thousands with problems in immigration, postal service, social security, Medicare, taxes, military service, employment protection and a host of other federal programs, services and regulations.

I’ve voted responsibly to protect our national security, promote the peace, to maintain the role of Congress in making war and to protect our hard won constitutional rights. I have voted consistently for economic and social justice, and to make quality education and health care accessible to all.

I have sponsored innovative new legislation to address the need for re-integrating ex-offenders back into community life so they may resume their place as full, productive members of civil society. I have led efforts to make available drug treatment on demand. I have fought to end discrimination against ex-offenders in housing and employment.

I have supported for the special needs of seniors and children. I have taken on racial profiling and written legislation to address the problems of ex-offenders returning to our communities.

I have championed the reordering our priorities to create jobs at a living wage and to protect the environment. I have worked to bring economic development to impacted communities. I have stood firm for a woman’s right to choose.

I have been a strong voice for campaign finance and election reform and for tearing down barriers placed in the way of persons with disabilities exercising their constitutional right to vote.

I have advocated strongly to protect social security and Medicare, and to make prescription drugs affordable for seniors. I have sponsored legislation to give persons with disabilities options in their every day living conditions. I’ve stood up for those who haven’t always been heard in the halls of Congress.

I appreciate the confidence you have placed in me and thank you for your generous support over the years. I welcome and encourage your input on a continuing basis.

I urge you to use your vote on election day to express your views on the future direction of our nation. Your vote will renew our constitutional mandate and determine the domestic and foreign policy of our nation for years to come.